A netizen with the username "RajaMohdShahrim" shared a video on social media platform yesterday. The footage depicts faucets being turned on one by one in a school, and the water flowing out is unexpectedly dark in color.
The netizen also tagged the Minister of Natural Resources, Environment, and Climate Change, YB Nizar, in the post, hoping that he and the Ministry of Education could take action to promptly address the water supply issue in Kelantan. The netizen went on to express that this matter has reached an "unacceptable" level.
The netizen also revealed in the post that the incident took place at SK Machang, a primary school in Kelantan.
This post immediately sparked discussions among netizens, with many questioning why the water supply issue in Kelantan has remained unresolved.
Several netizens also tagged PAS assemblyman for Machang, Yuan Huai Shao, urging him to pay immediate attention to this matter.
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Mohon tindakan dari menteri @niknazmi dan KPM.
— BULETIN RMS (@RajaMohdShahrim) August 23, 2023
Ni dah level yang tak boleh diterima lagi.. Lokasi : SK Machang. pic.twitter.com/SRe5Yg2APz
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